Koios Medical SmartUltrasound™ Technology explainer

SmartUltrasound™ Technology: Koios Medical’s AI Solution Explained (2024)

Koios Medical’s SmartUltrasound™ Technology is changing breast cancer detection.

This AI-powered system analyzes ultrasound images in real-time. It helps doctors spot potential breast abnormalities faster and more accurately.

The technology integrates with existing ultrasound machines, making it easy to adopt.

Want to know how it works and why it matters? Let’s explore the key features and benefits of this innovative medical imaging solution.

What is Koios Medical SmartUltrasound™ Technology?

SmartUltrasound™ Technology by Koios Medical is an AI-powered system that enhances ultrasound diagnostics. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze ultrasound images in real-time, helping healthcare professionals spot potential breast abnormalities more accurately and efficiently.

“Koios DS uses AI to provide radiologists with a ‘second opinion’ when analyzing lesions in ultrasound images,” 

Koios Medical

This technology acts as a digital assistant, working alongside healthcare providers to improve the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.

Key Features of SmartUltrasound™

  1. Real-time image analysis
  2. AI-assisted interpretation
  3. Integration with existing ultrasound machines

These features work together to create a powerful tool for breast cancer detection. The system analyzes images as they’re captured, providing immediate insights to healthcare professionals.

How SmartUltrasound™ Works

Koios Medical SmartUltrasound™ Technology operates through a three-step process:

  1. Image capture and processing
  2. AI analysis and pattern recognition
  3. Results presentation to healthcare providers

During an ultrasound exam, the system captures and processes images in real-time. The AI then analyzes these images, looking for patterns that might indicate abnormalities. Finally, it presents the results to healthcare providers in an easy-to-understand format.

Dr. Amy Patel emphasizes the technology’s impact

“Koios DS AI-based clinical decision support aids in the analysis of ultrasound images to provide improved accuracy and efficiency in cancer diagnosis.” 

By combining advanced AI with traditional ultrasound technology, SmartUltrasound™ aims to revolutionize breast cancer detection. It offers healthcare providers a powerful tool to enhance their diagnostic capabilities, potentially leading to earlier detection and better patient outcomes.

Watch Dr. Amy Patel describe the powerful impact that Koios software has provided for breast cancer detection at Liberty Hospital.

Source: Liberty HospitalDr. Amy Patel on Koios AI

Benefits of AI-Powered Ultrasound Diagnostics

AI-powered ultrasound diagnostics are changing healthcare. They offer several key advantages. Let’s explore these benefits in detail.

Increased Efficiency in Medical Imaging

AI speeds up scan interpretation. Radiologists can review more cases in less time. This leads to faster diagnoses and treatment plans.

The technology also reduces radiologists’ workload. It handles routine tasks, letting experts focus on complex cases.

“AI can automate diagnostic assessments through image analysis, measurement, and reporting.” 

Acerta Labs

This automation streamlines the entire imaging process.

Enhanced Patient Care

Early detection improves treatment outcomes. Patients benefit from timely interventions and better prognoses.

AI-assisted ultrasounds reduce unnecessary follow-ups. This means less anxiety for patients. They get more accurate results from the start.

AI helps clinicians make better decisions. It provides detailed insights from ultrasound images. This leads to more personalized care plans.

AI-powered ultrasound diagnostics offer clear benefits. They improve accuracy, efficiency, and patient care. As technology advances, these benefits are likely to grow.

Improved Accuracy in Breast Cancer Detection

AI enhances breast cancer detection accuracy. It reduces false positives and negatives. This means fewer missed diagnoses and unnecessary procedures.

Source: CBS New YorkDoctors tout use of artificial intelligence to detect breast cancer

AI excels at spotting small or early-stage tumors. These are often hard for human eyes to catch. Early detection can be life-saving.

A recent study showed promising results. 

“AI-powered breast imaging may also improve breast cancer detection and diagnosis by enhancing ultrasound imaging of dense breast tissue and making it more accurate.” 

Dr. Sarah Friedewald, Chief of Breast Imaging, Northwestern Medicine

Applications of SmartUltrasound™ in Breast Cancer Detection

  • SmartUltrasound™ enhances breast cancer screening, diagnosis, and monitoring
  • AI-powered technology improves accuracy and efficiency in medical imaging
  • Real-time analysis supports radiologists and improves patient care

Screening and Early Detection

SmartUltrasound™ technology plays a crucial role in breast cancer screening and early detection. Regular check-ups and preventive scans are essential components of breast health management. The AI-powered system enhances these processes by improving the accuracy and efficiency of ultrasound image interpretation.

Traditional mammography screening has limitations, particularly for women with dense breast tissue. For every 1000 women undergoing a 2D screening mammogram, about 100 (10%) are called back for additional testing, with only 2-7 breast cancers typically found. This high recall rate can lead to unnecessary anxiety and medical procedures.

SmartUltrasound™ addresses these challenges by providing a more nuanced analysis of breast tissue. The AI algorithms are trained on vast datasets, allowing them to detect subtle abnormalities that might be overlooked by human observers. This is particularly valuable for identifying potential issues before symptoms appear, which is crucial for improving treatment outcomes.

Enhancing Sensitivity in Dense Breast Tissue

Dense breast tissue poses a significant challenge in traditional breast cancer screening methods. SmartUltrasound™ excels in this area by leveraging advanced pattern recognition capabilities. The AI system can differentiate between normal dense tissue and potentially cancerous lesions more effectively than conventional ultrasound alone.

Diagnostic Assistance

SmartUltrasound™ serves as a powerful tool in supporting radiologists during the diagnostic process. The technology acts as a second set of eyes, providing valuable insights and helping to interpret complex cases.

In the realm of breast cancer diagnostics, the interpretation of ultrasound images can be challenging due to the variety of tissue types and potential abnormalities. SmartUltrasound™ addresses this by offering a systematic analysis based on a vast database of previously analyzed cases. This support is particularly valuable when dealing with ambiguous findings that might require additional scrutiny.

Dr. Sarah Thompson, a leading radiologist, emphasizes the importance of human expertise in conjunction with AI: 

“You have to have a trained person, radiologist, to be able to read those cases and say, ‘yeah this is an appropriate recall, but this is not.’

This statement underscores the complementary nature of SmartUltrasound™ technology, which enhances rather than replaces human judgment.

Reducing Diagnostic Uncertainty

One of the key benefits of SmartUltrasound™ in diagnostic assistance is its ability to reduce uncertainty in challenging cases. The AI system can provide a confidence score for its findings, helping radiologists prioritize cases that require immediate attention or further investigation.

This feature is particularly valuable in busy clinical settings where radiologists are often under pressure to interpret a large number of scans quickly. By flagging potentially problematic areas and providing a quantitative assessment of risk, SmartUltrasound™ helps streamline the diagnostic process and ensures that high-risk cases receive prompt attention.

Monitoring and Follow-up

SmartUltrasound™ technology excels in tracking changes in breast tissue over time, making it an invaluable tool for monitoring and follow-up care. This capability is crucial for patients who have undergone treatment for breast cancer or those with a high risk of developing the disease.

The AI-powered system can detect subtle changes in breast tissue that might be difficult for human observers to identify, especially when comparing scans taken months or years apart. This precision in tracking changes allows for more accurate assessments of treatment effectiveness and early detection of potential recurrences.

Personalized Follow-up Protocols

SmartUltrasound™ enables the development of more personalized follow-up protocols. By analyzing the patient’s history, risk factors, and previous scan results, the AI system can suggest optimal intervals for follow-up scans and highlight specific areas that require closer monitoring.

This personalized approach not only improves the quality of care but also helps optimize resource allocation in healthcare settings. Patients at higher risk can receive more frequent monitoring, while those at lower risk may require less intensive follow-up, reducing unnecessary procedures and associated costs.

Integration with Other Diagnostic Modalities

While SmartUltrasound™ offers significant advantages in breast cancer detection and monitoring, it’s important to consider its role within the broader context of diagnostic imaging. The technology complements other modalities such as mammography, MRI, and emerging techniques like contrast-enhanced imaging.

Researchers are exploring ways to combine multiple imaging modalities with AI analysis to create more comprehensive diagnostic tools. For instance, some studies are investigating the use of “smart” contrast agents that can reveal specific genetic markers associated with breast cancer, potentially enhancing the capabilities of ultrasound-based detection.

Future Directions and Challenges

As SmartUltrasound™ technology continues to evolve, several exciting possibilities and challenges emerge. One area of ongoing research is the development of more sophisticated AI algorithms that can analyze not only ultrasound images but also integrate patient history, genetic information, and other relevant data to provide a more holistic risk assessment.

However, it’s crucial to address potential limitations. For example, ultrasound often struggles to detect very small tumors (less than 5 mm) and certain types of abnormalities like microcalcifications. Ongoing research aims to improve the resolution and sensitivity of ultrasound technology to overcome these limitations.

Dr. Emily Chen, an oncologist specializing in breast cancer, notes: 

“Breast cancer ranks as the second most fatal cancer among women globally, emphasizing the critical importance of early detection and treatment.” 

This underscores the urgent need for continued innovation in breast cancer diagnostics, with SmartUltrasound™ playing a pivotal role in this ongoing effort.

How Real-Time Ultrasound Analysis Transforms Diagnostics

  • Instant analysis during patient visits revolutionizes care
  • Reduces need for follow-up tests, saving time and resources
  • Enhances collaboration among healthcare providers

Immediate Results

Real-time ultrasound analysis is changing the game in medical diagnostics. It provides on-the-spot analysis during patient visits, a leap forward from traditional methods. This technology allows healthcare providers to make quicker, more informed decisions about treatment plans.

“Ultrasound provides real-time imaging. This makes it a good tool for guiding minimally invasive procedures such as needle biopsies and fluid aspiration.” 


The immediacy of results has profound implications for patient care. Instead of waiting days or weeks for scan interpretations, doctors can discuss findings with patients during the same visit. This rapid turnaround not only reduces patient anxiety but also allows for faster intervention when necessary.

Impact on Clinical Decision-Making

Real-time analysis empowers clinicians to make more timely and accurate decisions. For instance, in emergency situations, immediate ultrasound results can guide critical care decisions. In obstetrics, real-time analysis during prenatal check-ups allows for immediate assessment of fetal health and development.

Reduced Need for Additional Tests

One of the most significant benefits of real-time ultrasound analysis is the reduction in follow-up appointments and additional tests. Traditional ultrasound exams often require multiple visits: one for the scan and another to discuss results. With real-time analysis, this process is streamlined into a single, comprehensive visit.

“Ultrasound imaging gives a clear picture of soft tissues that do not show up well on x-ray images.” 


This clarity, combined with AI-powered analysis, often eliminates the need for supplementary imaging studies. For example, in breast cancer screening, real-time analysis can often distinguish between benign and suspicious lesions on the spot, potentially eliminating the need for unnecessary biopsies.

Cost and Time Savings

The reduction in additional tests translates to significant cost and time savings for both patients and healthcare systems. Fewer tests mean less time off work for patients, reduced travel costs, and decreased healthcare expenditure. For healthcare providers, it allows for more efficient use of resources and shorter waiting times for appointments.

A typical ultrasound exam takes from 30 minutes to an hour. With real-time analysis, this time is used more efficiently, as results are available immediately, eliminating the need for separate interpretation sessions.

Enhanced Collaboration

Real-time ultrasound analysis is transforming how healthcare providers collaborate. It enables immediate sharing of results with specialists, fostering better communication and more integrated care.

Telemedicine and Remote Consultations

This technology is particularly valuable in telemedicine settings. Specialists can now participate in real-time ultrasound examinations remotely, offering their expertise even when not physically present. This capability is especially crucial for rural or underserved areas where specialist access is limited.

Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Real-time analysis facilitates a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. For instance, in oncology, radiologists can instantly share ultrasound findings with oncologists and surgeons. This immediate collaboration allows for more comprehensive treatment planning and can significantly reduce the time from diagnosis to treatment initiation.

Improved Patient Experience

The transformation brought about by real-time ultrasound analysis extends beyond clinical efficiency to significantly enhance the patient experience.

Reduced Anxiety and Uncertainty

Immediate results alleviate the anxiety associated with waiting for test outcomes. Patients can ask questions and discuss findings with their healthcare provider in real-time, leading to better understanding and engagement in their care.

Personalized Care Plans

With instant access to detailed imaging information, healthcare providers can tailor treatment plans more effectively. This personalization improves patient satisfaction and potentially leads to better adherence to treatment regimens.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits of real-time ultrasound analysis are substantial, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges in implementing this technology.

Training and Adaptation

Healthcare providers need adequate training to interpret real-time AI-assisted analyses effectively. This requires ongoing education and a shift in workflow patterns.

Technology Limitations

Despite its advanced capabilities, AI-assisted ultrasound analysis is not infallible. Healthcare providers must maintain their clinical judgment and be aware of the technology’s limitations.

The Role of AI in Medical Imaging Innovation

  • AI revolutionizes medical imaging through advanced algorithms and pattern recognition
  • Machine learning enhances diagnostic accuracy and efficiency in healthcare
  • Future developments promise integration with broader medical systems and applications

Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning algorithms form the backbone of AI in medical imaging innovation. These algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to improve diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. In the context of ultrasound technology, machine learning algorithms continuously refine their capabilities through exposure to diverse patient data.

One of the key strengths of machine learning in medical imaging is its ability to adapt to various patient demographics. This adaptability is crucial in healthcare, where patient populations can vary significantly in terms of age, ethnicity, and body composition. For example, breast tissue density can differ greatly among women, affecting the visibility of potential abnormalities in traditional ultrasound imaging. Machine learning algorithms can be trained to account for these variations, providing more accurate interpretations across diverse patient groups.

The power of machine learning in medical imaging is evident in recent studies. According to a study published in Nature Digital Medicine,

“Machine learning algorithms have been shown to perform on par with medical experts in diagnosing various conditions from medical images.”

This level of performance demonstrates the potential of AI to augment and enhance the capabilities of healthcare professionals.

Continuous Improvement Through Data Analysis

The strength of machine learning algorithms lies in their ability to continuously improve through data analysis. As these algorithms process more ultrasound images, they become increasingly adept at identifying patterns and anomalies. This continuous learning process allows for:

  1. Enhanced accuracy over time
  2. Adaptation to new imaging technologies
  3. Incorporation of the latest medical knowledge

For healthcare providers, this means that AI-powered systems like SmartUltrasound™ become more valuable tools as they are used more frequently. The system’s ability to learn and improve ensures that it remains at the cutting edge of diagnostic capabilities.

Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition is a critical component of AI in medical imaging innovation. AI systems excel at identifying subtle abnormalities that might be overlooked by human observers, especially in complex imaging studies like breast ultrasounds.

Identification of Subtle Abnormalities

AI-powered pattern recognition can detect minute changes in tissue structure, density, and composition that may indicate the early stages of disease. This capability is particularly valuable in breast cancer screening, where early detection can significantly improve patient outcomes.

The ability of AI to identify subtle abnormalities is not limited to a single type of imaging. For instance, machine learning algorithms have been applied to various imaging modalities, including:

  1. Mammography
  2. Computed Tomography (CT)
  3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

In each of these areas, AI has shown promise in enhancing diagnostic accuracy. According to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, AI systems have demonstrated the ability to reduce false-positive and false-negative rates in breast cancer screening, potentially leading to more accurate diagnoses and fewer unnecessary biopsies.

Comparison with Vast Databases of Ultrasound Images

One of the most powerful aspects of AI in medical imaging is its ability to compare new images with vast databases of existing ultrasound images. This comparison allows for:

  1. Rapid identification of similar cases
  2. Analysis of historical treatment outcomes
  3. Prediction of potential disease progression

By leveraging these large databases, AI systems can provide healthcare providers with valuable insights that might not be immediately apparent from a single image. This capability is particularly important given the growing volume of medical imaging data. According to a report on LinkedIn,

“The data generated by medical imaging modalities globally has increased substantially from 249 petabytes in 2010 to an estimated 390 petabytes in 2024.”

This exponential growth in data volume underscores the need for AI-powered analysis to extract meaningful insights efficiently.

Future Developments

The future of AI in medical imaging innovation is bright, with potential applications extending far beyond current capabilities. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see AI systems like SmartUltrasound™ evolve and expand their reach.

Potential for Expanding to Other Types of Medical Imaging

While SmartUltrasound™ currently focuses on breast ultrasound analysis, the underlying AI technology has the potential to be adapted for other types of medical imaging. This expansion could include:

  1. Cardiac imaging for early detection of heart disease
  2. Neurological imaging for diagnosis of brain disorders
  3. Musculoskeletal imaging for assessment of joint and bone health

The versatility of AI in medical imaging is evident in its current applications. As noted in a study published in Radiology,

“Machine learning can help physicians interpret medical imaging findings and reduce interpretation times, and has been used for tasks such as pulmonary embolism segmentation with computed tomographic (CT) angiography and breast cancer detection and diagnosis with mammography.”

This broad applicability suggests that AI will continue to play an increasingly important role across various medical imaging modalities.

Integration with Electronic Health Records

One of the most promising future developments in AI-powered medical imaging is the potential for seamless integration with electronic health records (EHRs). This integration could provide several benefits:

  1. Comprehensive patient profiles: AI systems could analyze imaging data in conjunction with a patient’s complete medical history, providing a more holistic view of their health.
  2. Predictive analytics: By combining imaging data with other health metrics, AI could potentially predict future health risks and suggest preventive measures.
  3. Personalized treatment plans: Integration with EHRs could allow AI systems to recommend tailored treatment options based on a patient’s unique medical profile and imaging results.

The integration of AI-powered imaging analysis with EHRs represents a significant step towards more personalized and data-driven healthcare. However, this integration also raises important questions about data privacy and security that will need to be addressed as these systems evolve.

Implementing SmartUltrasound™ in Clinical Practice

  • Step-by-step guide for integrating AI into ultrasound workflows
  • Best practices for staff training and quality assurance
  • Strategies for patient education and addressing concerns

Training and Integration

Implementing SmartUltrasound™ technology in clinical practice requires a structured approach to staff training and workflow integration. The first step is to identify key personnel who will be using the AI-assisted ultrasound system. This typically includes radiologists, sonographers, and other relevant medical staff.

Staff Education on AI-Assisted Diagnostics

  1. Organize a comprehensive training program:
    • Schedule a series of workshops led by Koios Medical experts.
    • Cover the basics of AI in medical imaging and specific features of SmartUltrasound™.
    • Provide hands-on training sessions with the new equipment.
  2. Develop a competency assessment:
    • Create a practical exam to evaluate staff proficiency with the new system.
    • Establish a certification process for users to ensure consistent quality.
  3. Implement a mentorship program:
    • Pair experienced users with new learners for ongoing support.
    • Set up regular check-ins to address questions and share best practices.

Seamless Incorporation into Existing Workflows

  1. Conduct a workflow analysis:
    • Map out current ultrasound procedures and identify integration points for SmartUltrasound™.
    • Consult with IT departments to ensure compatibility with existing systems.
  2. Develop new standard operating procedures (SOPs):
    • Create step-by-step guides for using SmartUltrasound™ in daily practice.
    • Include troubleshooting tips and contact information for technical support.
  3. Gradual implementation:
    • Start with a pilot phase in one department or unit.
    • Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments before full-scale rollout.
  4. Monitor and optimize:
    • Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as scan times and diagnostic accuracy.
    • Regularly review and refine processes based on staff feedback and performance data.

“AI-powered image acquisition can empower sonographers and clinicians, leading to consistent results and improved patient care.” 


This quote underscores the importance of proper training and integration, as it highlights the potential benefits of AI-assisted ultrasound when implemented correctly.

Quality Assurance

Maintaining the accuracy and reliability of SmartUltrasound™ is crucial for its long-term success in clinical practice. A robust quality assurance program ensures that the AI system continues to perform at optimal levels.

Regular System Updates and Maintenance

  1. Establish an update schedule:
    • Coordinate with Koios Medical for regular software updates.
    • Plan updates during off-hours to minimize disruption to clinical operations.
  2. Designate an AI system administrator:
    • Appoint a staff member responsible for overseeing system maintenance.
    • Ensure they receive specialized training from Koios Medical.
  3. Implement a maintenance log:
    • Create a digital log to track all updates, issues, and maintenance activities.
    • Use this log to identify patterns and proactively address recurring problems.

Ongoing Validation of AI Performance

  1. Set up a validation protocol:
    • Develop a process for regularly comparing AI-assisted diagnoses with expert opinions.
    • Include a diverse range of cases to ensure comprehensive validation.
  2. Conduct periodic audits:
    • Randomly select and review AI-assisted diagnoses on a monthly basis.
    • Involve senior radiologists in the audit process for expert oversight.
  3. Establish performance benchmarks:
    • Define acceptable accuracy rates for the AI system.
    • Track performance over time and investigate any deviations from benchmarks.
  4. Collaborate with Koios Medical:
    • Share validation results with the company to contribute to ongoing system improvements.
    • Participate in multi-center studies to enhance the AI’s performance across diverse populations.

Patient Education

Introducing AI-assisted ultrasound technology to patients requires clear communication and education. This process helps build trust and ensures patients understand the benefits of SmartUltrasound™ in their care.

Explaining the Benefits of AI-Assisted Ultrasounds

  1. Develop patient-friendly educational materials:
    • Create brochures and videos explaining SmartUltrasound™ in simple terms.
    • Highlight key benefits such as improved accuracy and faster results.
  2. Train staff on communicating AI benefits:
    • Provide scripts and talking points for healthcare providers.
    • Role-play patient interactions to practice explaining the technology.
  3. Offer pre-appointment information:
    • Send patients information about SmartUltrasound™ before their visit.
    • Include FAQs addressing common concerns about AI in healthcare.

“Imagine a patient-facing version of a report that is generated from all of the physician and specialist recommendations that summarizes what a patient needs to know and understand to appropriately manage their care and treatment. This could be a great application of gen AI to empower patient engagement.” 


This quote highlights the potential for AI to enhance patient understanding and engagement, which is crucial when implementing new technologies like SmartUltrasound™.

Addressing Concerns about Technology in Healthcare

  1. Establish a patient feedback system:
    • Create a dedicated channel for patients to ask questions or express concerns.
    • Regularly review and address common issues in patient education materials.
  2. Emphasize data privacy and security:
    • Clearly explain how patient data is protected when using SmartUltrasound™.
    • Provide information on relevant data protection regulations and compliance.
  3. Offer opt-out options:
    • Develop a process for patients who prefer not to have AI-assisted ultrasounds.
    • Train staff on how to handle these requests sensitively.

“Do patients have the option to opt out of having AI used to facilitate their care? If so, how is this option communicated to patients?” 

[Sen. Mark Warner]
  1. Address misconceptions:
    • Anticipate common myths about AI in healthcare and prepare factual responses.
    • Use real-world examples to illustrate how AI complements, rather than replaces, human expertise.
  2. Showcase success stories:
    • Share anonymized case studies demonstrating the positive impact of SmartUltrasound™.
    • Consider patient testimonials, with proper consent, to build trust in the technology.

By following these detailed steps for training, quality assurance, and patient education, healthcare providers can effectively implement SmartUltrasound™ in their clinical practice. This comprehensive approach ensures that both staff and patients are well-prepared to benefit from the advantages of AI-assisted ultrasound technology.

AI-Powered Ultrasound: Reshaping Breast Cancer Detection

Source: Wefunder

SmartUltrasound™ by Koios Medical brings AI-driven precision to breast cancer screening. This technology enhances accuracy, speeds up diagnosis, and improves patient care through real-time image analysis and pattern recognition.

Ready to explore how SmartUltrasound™ can transform your practice?

Schedule a demo to see its capabilities firsthand. How might AI-assisted ultrasound change your approach to breast cancer detection?